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Online-Kurs: Business English B1

Dozent: Isidro Núñez Ornelas

Material: Lehrbuch: In company 3.0. Pre-intermediate, ab Lekt. 14
(ISBN 9780230455115)

As we move more and more into an already globalized world, Business English is helping us deal with our jobs in a much better way. Our goal is to begin to reach a level that is more fluently acceptable in the world of Business English. We want to be at a point where we do not have to think much in order to express our ideas nor feel stress in trying to figure out messages in any form. Therefore, in this class and with this level, we are going to begin to deal with the pre-intermediate Business English World. There is going to be ample time in order to practice the vocabulary repertoire necessary for our business issues. Expressions, readings, listening activities, writings and grammar will be dealt with together, but mostly separately on your own. This way, we can take full advantage of our online time in using our speaking skills as much as possible. Prepare to enjoy a class full of interaction amongst all of us and to meet people with similar goals as yours. An excellent place to find understanding and support to achieve everyone’s goals.

Dieser Online-Kurs findet mit der Software Zoom statt. Kurz vor Kursbeginn erhalten Sie eine E-Mail mit dem Link zum Kurs.
Technische Voraussetzungen: Stabile Internetverbindung, funktionierende E-Mail-Adresse, Endgerät (PC, Laptop, Tablet oder Smartphone) mit Kamera, Lautsprecher und Mikrofon bzw. Headset.

ESF-Fachkursförderung (Ermäßigung um 30 oder 70 Prozent möglich

Bitte besorgen Sie das Lehrbuch zum zweiten Kurstermin.

Datum | Uhrzeit
10-mal (20 Unterrichtsstunden) | Donnerstag
Beginn: 16.01.2025 | 19:40 bis 21:10 Uhr
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Do., 16.01.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 23.01.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 30.01.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 06.02.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 13.02.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 20.02.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 27.02.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 13.03.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 20.03.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
Do., 27.03.2025 19:40 - 21:10 Uhr Online
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Bettina Brandez
Tel. 0731 1530-33


ab 6 Teilnehmer*innen
noch freie Plätze


149,00 €

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