Qualification Cultural Mediator
Next class starts in October 2023
Monday, September 18th
6:30 pm
EinsteinHaus, Room 3
If you like to come together with other women from all over the world, to discover yourself and learn and laugh together, then visit the Transcultural House of Learning for Women!
Here you learn about:
- Creative thinking
- Communication styles
- Conflict resolution
- Different excercises to make you think about your own perceptions - of yourself and other cultures
- Cultural structures
- World wide traditions and religions
- Your own prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination
- Lots of »aha-moments«
- ...and so much more!
Class starts in October 2023 with monthly meetings (friday and saturday) until Juliy 2024. At the end of the course you will receive a certificate als »Cultural Mediator« which you can use for your job or your further volunteer engagements.
You would like to get further information? Send an e-mail to:
Intercultural Competence
The Transcultural House of Learning for Women goes new ways to aquire intercultural competence. Here women with and without an international backround come together in order to learn from eachother in a group. The Transcultural House of Learning for Women is based on the idea that different cultures can live together in peace and harmony and that diversity can enrich everybody's life.
Elements of the training
- Cultural struktures
- Different kind of intercultural excercises
- Networking
These trainings will make you think about your own perseptions - of yourself and other cultures.
The group
You will meet once a month on friday and saturday. These regular meetings give you the opportunity to get an intense exchange, reflextion and stronger experience.
At the end of the course you will receive a certificate as »Cultural Mediator« which you can use for your job or your further volunteer engagements.